Thursday, July 5, 2012

In which I win at burgers.

Fourth of July pitfall avoided! I knew dinner was going to be a hefty calorie load so I worked that into my calculations for the day. Luckily, I had to swing by the Urgent Care for my back at 4:00 in the morning, so after I got home I crashed until 11:00, then I grabbed some bread and hummus. Along with a light sushi lunch, I was ready to go.

First let me say this: I made some amazing burgers last night. Holy shit were these things delicious. There was also some healthy broccoli salad, some spinach salad and some green beans, so it was overall a pretty healthy dinner. I have another burger in my fridge right now waiting to be had for lunch and I’m going to enjoy the shit out of it. It’s a proven fact that blue cheese and bacon are the ideal toppings for a burger.

Anyway, not much new to report. Today was my big loss day, which was foretold by my previous four days, in which I gained just short of a pound.

That’s about it. Basically, I rock at burgers.

Sourdough and hummus

Miso soup, 3 California rolls

Bacon blue cheese burger with pretzel bun, green beans, broccoli salad, spinach salad
Strawberries and whipped cream

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