Not a bad run yesterday. It was a three-miler and not a 5K, so beating my PR wasn’t as much of an option. I finished in 42:30, which was a little slower than 43:30 pace, but I’m pretty happy with it. The course is more difficult than the ones I’ve been doing lately. Pretty much three miles of little hills. Plus, I did the same course in 42:43 in January. And I felt a lot better throughout than I have lately, which I’m almost certain is due to drinking enough water as opposed to obtaining my water through Red Bull and Pepsi Max. I think I need to drink more though. I’ve been making an effort to drink 8 cups of water but I still felt dry-mouthed after a couple miles, and I was dealing with some cramping after the race.
That brings up something else. I am not getting enough potassium. I seem to be averaging between 1000-1500 mg a day , and I should be at a minimum of 2000 mg. I’ve been doing some research and it seems that a lot of high-potassium foods are high in carbs too. However, I think I’ve found the solution: beet greens! I love collard greens and turnip greens because they are delicious, and I can’t imagine beet greens are any different. I just need to find someone I can pawn off the beets to, because beets are shitty.
Tomorrow I start ramping up my walking miles to get ready to walk a half-marathon. Tomorrow will be 8 miles; next Friday will be 10. I was planning to do the half before the end of the month, but the first Friday of August just makes more sense. After I do the half, I’ll need to take some time before I do another long walk, and the next weekend is Mancave, where I will be too busy giving myself mild alcohol poisoning to do a long-distance walk.
Finally, the Lyle’s Myles 5K is coming up on Saturday, and I am going to be ready! I got myself some rainbow hobo gloves, I have a rainbow headband waiting for me, and I’ve got my mustache grown out to a majestic length. The pictures are going to be fabulous.
Eggs, Eggos, Tapatio
Turkey sandwich, 5 oz tuna
Pita Pit Gyro Pita w/hummus, spinach, mushroom, jalapeno, onion, tzatziki
Try coconut water. Is SUPER high in potassium.