Friday, June 22, 2012

Remember, this is normal.

So as you can see below, I gained 2.6 pounds today. This is normal and expected, especially when one weighs themselves every day. I lost seven pounds the four days before that, and it's not really something that's good for you to lose in that amount of time, even as a great big fat person. So I look at it as losing 4.4 pounds in the last five days, which is more optimistic and frankly more accurate.

Anyway, this isn't going to be a long post, because I'm on my way out to find a rainbow sweatband and rainbow wristbands. I'm running the Lyle's Myles Charity 5K on July 14th as many of you know, and I promised my buddy Antonio that I would be wearing rainbows. Besides, this run is on Vancouver's Pride day, so how can I not wear rainbows?

If you like, you can donate to the cause here. You can also check out Lyle's Myles here.

And here is the dog that I just forced to walk six miles with me this morning:

Egg McMuffin (300 calories of awesome)

Turkey sandwich with veggies and horseradish, Easy Mac, banana

Banana, jerky

1/3 lb. bison burger with pepper jack cheese, habanero hot sauce, jalapeno, onion, lettuce, tomato
Salad (lettuce/tomato/black olive) with a little bit of blue cheese dressing